Thursday, August 9, 2012




‘The Use of Learning Strategies in the Language Classroom’ M.A.Sara Costa


The Use of Learning Strategies in the Language Classroom is a research thesis that explains the comparison between a Private and a Parrochial School in Lima Peru. This presentation will explain the foundation, process and results obtained from this research and its implications for the future.


Sara Costa is a seasoned teacher who is very passionate about her teaching career. She is a graduate of Instituto Pedagógico Nacional de Monterrico and Michigan State University in the area of Language Teaching where she obtained her bachelor and master degrees. She has been an ESL teacher, coordinator, consultant and evaluator in Peru and in the United States in grades K-12, language institutes and ELT publishers for many years. In an effort to continue learning about how all children learn best, she has recently also obtained a second master’s degree in Psychology with an emphasis on Learning Differences.

‘Critical Reflective Teaching: From Learning to Teaching Trajectories’ -Dr.Carmen Cáceda


This interactive critical reflective session aims at making the participants aware of how our language learning experiences are translated into our teaching, and the way we learned and teach may collide with our students’ learning processes. Some of us are witnessing rapid changes (e.g., our students’ making use of technology) so “common sense” will suggest that we co-learn and incorporate their socio-cultural context to have more engaging lessons. A question to consider is: to what extent is this situation happening in our classrooms?


Carmen Cáceda Córdova holds a Ph.D. in Culture, Literacy, and Language from The University of Texas at San Antonio. She also pursued M.A. studies at Villanova University and Moray House College of Education. She is a graduate from IPN-Monterrico and from Universidad Nacional de Educacion, “La Cantuta.”

Dr. Caceda Cordova started teaching English in a public school in 1982. She has prepared teachers in the EFL, ESL, and Bilingual fields since 1989. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Western Oregon University, where she teaches methods, policy, and culture classes. You can read a little bit more of her work at

When? Saturday,August 25th, 2012

What time? 2.30p.m – 6.30 p.m.


Avenida Bolívar, 598 – Pueblo Libre


Members: S/20 nuevos soles (All attendees to the IATEFL PERU CONFERENCE 2012)

Non-Members : S/ 30 nuevos soles

Fee includes: Coffee Break, Certificates, Workshops Content Material.

Raffle: English Next -By David Graddol( applied linguist, writer, broadcaster, researcher and consultant on issues relating to Global English).

Right here, Right now ‘Teaching Citizenship through Human Rights’ by British Institute of Human Rights.

Ten bi-monthly newsletters of IATEFL-UK: ‘VOICES’

IMPORTANT: CDs from the IATEFL CONFERENCE 2012 will be given to the Conference attendees .If they cannot make it , CDs will be sent to their institutions /addresses.

Deposit the corresponding amount to: BCP-Ahorros en soles- CTA 193-195 995 39012

Email the invoice number to

Contact information: 628 – 5410 /628 -5411 From Monday to Saturday 9.00a.m. to 12/ 2.00p.m. to 8.00p.m.

PROGRAMME on August 25th:

2.30 p.m. On site Registration:

Miss Illescas and Miss Villavicencio will be welcoming and taking you to the Secretary Office where she will be with two assistants.

When entering the Auditorium , you will be welcome by the IATEFL PERU Executive Committee while handing Folders,

Workshops Content Material, pens and Notepads.

2.50 p.m. Opening of the Academic Event

3.00p.m. - 4.15 p.m. ‘The Use of Learning Strategies in the Language Classroom’ M.A.Sara Costa

4.15p.m - 4.30p.m. Coffee Break /Networking

4.30p.m. - 5.45p.m. ‘Critical Reflective Teaching: From Learning to Teaching Trajectories’ -Dr.Carmen Cáceda

5.45p.m. - 6.15p.m. Questions/Sharing Time with the Audience (Carmen & Sara)

6.15p.m. - 6.30p.m. Raffle/ Certificates

Thanks for your kind participation,

Leo Marín Manuel López

IATEFL –PERU President IATEFL-PERU Vice-President

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