Thursday, July 26, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Invitation - London 2012 opening ceremony 27 July


Watch the opening ceremony of London 2012 Olympic Games on a giant screen, whilst enjoying a picnic with your family and friends. There will also be games for children and other surprises. Date: Friday 27 July

Time: 2:30 to 6:00pm

Venue: Parque Reducto (Calle Ramón Ribeyro 401, San Antonio, Miraflores).

Don’t forget to bring your blanket and snacks for the picnic!

“LONDON 2012: PICNIC AT THE PARK” is organised with the support of

Samsung, Municipalidad de Miraflores, DIRECTV and P&G.

More information:

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] FW: If you only have 20 minutes...

Dear Cesar,

This newsletter will help you stay up-to-date with what has been happening on Cambridge English Teacher plus tips on how to get the best of each area.

What's coming up?

Gary Anderson: CLIL won't kill webinar (1 August 2012: 3pm UK time)

This webinar will look at why CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is an important emerging trend in current educational practices in many countries. It will include an overview of the theory and then move into how it has been put into practice for young learners, tween-agers and teenagers. It’ll look at both ‘real CLIL’ or bilingual education and ‘CLIL lite’ or working subject matter into language classes. Sign up to the webinar today.

From next week, we will produce and email you a certificate of attendance for every Cambridge English Teacher webinar you attend.

If you only have 20 minutes, these are a few things you could try:

read the latest article

go to the discussions page, choose a forum you are interested in and post a comment

update your profile, so that you can start communicating with other teachers (you can choose your privacy settings.

Did you know?

Did you know that you can search for other teachers worlwide? Simply follow these steps:

type in the country on the search box on the right-hand side

look at the profile of individual teachers

send them a contact request

communicate with hundreds of teachers and share teaching tips and ideas.

Many thanks,

The Team at Cambridge English Teacher

Share this with other English Language teachers

Blended Learning - What can it do for you?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Embassy Entrance Informatio​n

Dear ELT Professionals, 

We thank you for your interest in attending the “Making the Most of Comics in the ELT Classroom” Workshop scheduled for Friday July 20th and 2 PM.   To ensure easy entry into the Embassy, please follow the guidelines below: ·   

     All participants need to show their valid DNI (original) to enter the complex.  No one will be able to enter without a valid DNI.  No other document will be accepted.·        

The process to gain access through the two doors takes about 15 to 20 minutes.  It is advisable to be at the main gate of the Embassy by at least 1:30 PM.·     

 For security reasons cellular phones, laptops, video or photo cameras, weapons, bottles of liquids, medicines, and other similar items are not allowed . All will be kept at the door, and will be collected when leaving the complex.  We suggest that you avoid bringing any of those with you.· 

       All bags will be checked through scanners; we recommend that you do not bring large ones with you.·         We are not providing parking space for this event.  There are two parking lots nearby: one at Centro Comercial El Polo and another opposite the Embassy.·     

   Only those persons who received the confirmation email will be allowed to enter the compound.

 We recommend that you are punctual and bring the necessary documents to avoid any inconveniences.  

ADDRESS:Avenida La Encalada cdra. 17 s/n -Surco

   We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


 The RELO Team 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

RE: [ELTeCS_PERU] Acknowledgement to Publishers, Educational enterprises and ELTeCS Latin America.

Dear IATEFL-Peru Team,

Just a few words to let you all know that it was a real pleasure to be part of the Conference held in Lima on 6th and 7th July.

Chris Kunz, our Academic Representative, was delighted to offer one of the plenary sessions alongside such renowned speakers and Monica Blanco-Kunz together with Jacqueline Suarez, our Local Agent, looked after the Anglia stand truly professionally, providing every participant who approached us with very detailed answers to their questions.

We wish you all a totally fruitful rest of this academic year and look forward to IATEFL-ing again soon.

Best regards,

The Anglia Local Team

The Ibero-American Network

Central Exams Office

Tel/ Fax: +54 11 4305-7913

twitter: @Anglia_IbAmNET

Facebook: Anglia Ascentis Esol Iberoamerica

Skype: monica.anglia


Sunday, July 15, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Penny Ur on Cambridge Day

Penny Ur was in Lima and last Wednesday she gave a lecture on Creating interesting exercises and Making boring exercises interesting. She did not make controversial statements or any breakthroughs in this event but mentioned some things that I think need careful thought and that is the fact that there are features that some language practice exercises display that are NOT necessarily conducive to create interest in the students in spite of their "communicative look".Some of these are:

Interesting topics (topics may be interesting but students may not be interested in them for reasons such as background, tasks, possibility of involvement,etc.)

Information-gap-based communication (one student providing information to another may not necessarily spark interest) and

Real-world relevance or authenticity( the fact that something is authentic does not make it immediately interesting for the student if it is not particularly relevant for the student).

She also mentioned how by adding or changing some features we can make activities more interesting for students, something as simple as introducing some game-like features or open-ended responses will make a difference.

In sum, it was an interesting lecture, well dosified, with plenty of ideas that will help us reflect on our current practice. Thanks Cambridge for the opportunity of listening to such respected writer.

Maria Luisa Mu

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

ELTeCS_PERU] Cambridge Teacher Support e-zine‏

[ELTeCS_PERU] New E-Teacher courses!‏

Dear ELT Professional,

The U.S. State Department and RELO Andes is proud to announce a new slate of online courses – E-Teacher - designed to energize your classrooms.

The courses include:

1. Introduction to Online Learning

2. Introduction to Pedagogy and Practices for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

3. Listening and Speaking Skills, Real-Time Practice and Application

4. Assessment: Summative and Formative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching

5. Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web

6. Critical Thinking in Language Learning and Teaching

7. English for Specific Purposes, Aligning Context with Practices and Materials

8. Special Education and Differentiated Instruction in EFL Contexts

9. Teaching English to Young Learners

Most courses take 10 weeks to complete, and require:

5-10 hours per week of internet access

Basic computer skills

A commitment to complete course

A commitment to share ideas with others

Resident of Peru

If you are interested, please fill out the online form at

Please keep in mind that there a limited number of scholarships per year and that they are awarded largely on the support a graduate of the course will provide to her/his institution and professional community.

Be aware that that only one application per computer can be sent since the system identifies the IP address.

Deadline for submitting applications: July 18, 2012

Regional English Language Office

Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela

US Embassy, Lima-Peru

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Comic book teacher training event

Attached please see our invitation to the RELO and Public Affairs sponsored Comic Book Teacher Training event in Lima with special guest Peter David.

The RELO Team and the Public Affairs Section at the US Embassy in Lima cordially invite you to attend teacher training workshops with special guest Peter David, novelist, short story writer, and comic book writer.

Friday, July 20, 20122 p.m. – 5 p.m.US Embassy Lima

 We only have limited number of seats available, so please send your name, DNIs, and email information to RSPV. You will receive a confirmation email. The deadline for the RSVP is Wednesday, July 18 at 5 p.m. Sincerely, The RELO Team

Cesar Klauer

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Many thanks for your participat​ion at IATELF PERU INTERNATIO​NAL CONFERENCE

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of IATEFL-PERU we want to express our deepest gratitude for your active participation in the two day IATEFL -PERU INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

Our IATEFL-PERU International Conference 2012 had actually two components:

1.Pre-Conference Event: 'Developing Trainers' Skills' July 6th at Universidad de Piura-8.30-16.00.

This academic event was delivered by Penny Ur, Andrew Sheehan and Michael Carrier (British Council-London)

The outcome of the PCE will be a published document which includes Project Proposals.

We are very grateful to Mr. Julio Valladares, Universidad de Piura Language Centre Director, for his dedicated and kind cooperation.


When organising the Trainers' academic event, we did not imagine that most of the trainers would register in the Conference as well.

Being the venue of the Conference at IMACULADA JESUITAS SCHOOL, many of the participants wouldn't make it therefore we decided to rent Reparacion premises for the Opening and on Saturday the Conference took place as agreed before, IMACULADA JESUITAS SCHOOL.

We could not believe that even being 8.30p.m. and Michael Carrier delivering the Closing Plenary, participants were still engaged!

On behalf of the Key-note Speakers, Penny ur, Paul Seligson, Chris Kunz, Michael Carrier, Hugo Romo and Andrew Sheehan let us let you know that they did enjoy delivering their Plenaries and Workshops, and they highlighted the professional and personal qualities of the participants.

We are really grateful to our Workshop Speakers presenting A-1 sessions, as Carmen Caceda mentions in ELTeCS, a million thanks to :

Mrs Cecilia Rodrigues, Miss Marlene Reyes, Mrs. Margaret Hawkins(Britanico),Mr.Julio Valladares, Mr.César Klauer, Mr.Jesus Nicho,Mr David Villanueva,Mr Paul Doherty,

Mrs Sandra Mazuelos,Mrs.Marcela Raffo,and the above key note Speakers who also delivered workshops!

ELTeCS Peru has definitely played an important role , and once again we can see the paramount importance of having an English Language Teaching Contacts Scheme in Peru which is actively and professionaly managed, Mr Cesar Klauer: Many thanks, indeed!


We use this word in the ELT arena very often, so do we regarding organisation of events. Starting an Association, organising events is not that easy however if we love and have the adrenaline of geting great speakers as we did this year that maKes us feel like starting organising the next one. We are aware that some things might not have worked as it was programmed but the quality of speakers, national and international ones, the added value which is being offered by the fee 80/ 100 new soles that includes membership and a DVD with all the Conference recorded is making the difference in this event, in our humble opinion.

Yesterday we had a meeting with Michael Carrier, Head of Global Innovations of the British Council in London , and he was delighted with the Conference , therefore he is coming back next year , IATEFL PERU CONFERENCE 2013 will be in July, specific date to be confirmed , and we will have great speakers and the participation of all the Chapters in Peru we have 10.

Our deepest gratiitude, apologies if necessary and all the very best!

See you in the 20th Annual PERU TESOL Convention ' Speaking up for English'-JULY 31ST-August2nd at Cesar Vallejo Language Center-Chiclayo

Leo Marin Manuel Lopez


President Vice-President

Friday, July 6, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] IATEFL PERU Changes venues for tomorrow 7th July

Dear Colleagues

This information is for those of you who are planning to attend the IATEFL PERU Convention. The venue for tomorrow Saturday 7th July is Colegio La Inmaculada. Be sure to be there on time.

Cesar Klauer

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Teacher´s Day

Dear Colleagues

On behalf of ELTeCS PERU, have a great Teacher´s Day, today and every single day of the year.

Cesar Klauer


Dear Colleagues

There couldn´t be a better gift for our day: IATEFL PERU´s Pre Conference Event features no less than Andrew Sheehan, Penny Ur and Michael Carrier!

We´ll be reporting on the talks during the day through email alerts like this one and on our Facebook page (we DO have one, by the way!), so be on the look out.

Cesar Klauer

PS: Remember that this year´s Conference starts today. More information at:

Cesar Klauer

Sunday, July 1, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Programa y Talleres de la Conferenci​a Internacio​nal de IATEFL-PER​U

Estimados colegas:

IATEFL-PERU está altamente agradecido por la gran aceptación de sus dos eventos anuales: Developing TRAINERS' Skills, y la Conferencia 2012 'Keeping the fires burning: Responding to the changing world of ELT'.

Estamos adjuntando la relación de Talleres dentro del Programa General y las seis Plenarias que se brindará.

Leonor Marín de Cruz
Manuel López Machiavello

Presidente IATEFL-PERU
Vice-Presidente IATEFL-PERU


Previo cordial saludo a todos los lectores de esta página, me permito formular las siguientes preguntas que tienen como propósito facilitar la reflexión y el análisis sobre la situación actual de la enseñanza del idioma ingles en las instituciones educativas estatales.

1.¿Cuánto tiempo hace que la cantidad de dos horas semanales dedicadas al curso de inglés en los colegios del estado de secundaria permanece inalterable ?

2.En los colegios del estado de secundaria ¿Qué cantidad de las seis horas llamadas de libre disponibilidad se le adiciona al curso de inglés?

3.¿Son suficientes las dos horas semanales para desarrollar de manera aceptable los contenidos propuestos en los mismos libros del curso de inglés dados por el Ministerio de Educación?

4.¿Conoces de alguna iniciativa reciente tomada por las distintas agrupaciones de profesores de inglés existentes en Lima encaminada a gestionar por ante el Ministerio de Educación el incremento en la cantidad de horas dedicadas al curso de inglés en los colegios del estado de secundaria.

5.¿Se debe incluir en el Diseño Curricular Nacional la enseñanza de inglés desde el nivel de Educación Primaria?

Estoy convencido que el mejoramiento de la situación del curso de inglés en los Colegios Estatales traerá consigo un mejoramiento en nuestro desarrollo profesional como docentes del área.

Somos los profesores en ejercicio de la docencia en el sector estatal los que debemos ser los más interesados en buscar / luchar por este mejoramiento. Estemos atentos a convocatorias serias que nazcan de los mismos docentes del estado que busquen este objetivo.

Lic. Luis Negrini Arellano

Subdirector de Gestión Pedagógica

