Monday, June 30, 2014

[ELTeCS_PERU] American Studies Circle‏

Dear Colleagues

Some days ago you were invited to be part of the Facebook group American Studies Circle whose main objective is to develop language awareness together with the promotion of literature and US culture. Our first discussion is on its way as of today. It´s about the short story "The Killers" by Ernest Hemingway. If you feel you want to participate either by posting comments or by just reading the discussion, you are welcome to do so. Just become a member of the group. Of course you can invite other colleagues to join as well.

The group is jst beginning but we have interesting plans for the future, however, they depend a lot on your participation; in other words, we´ll be able to ask (and obtain) for support for our activities provided we are a functioning group.


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Te esperamos en nuestra conferencia en linea - University of Ulster‏

University of Ulster - Becas de estudio en Londres y Birmingham 

La Universidad de Ulster  tiene  22 becas disponibles en sus sedes de Londres y Birmingham para apoyar el talento de estudiantes colombianos en convenio con ICETEX.

Conoce todos los detalles participando en la charla informativa en línea

University of Ulster Londres y Birmingham  es una universidad pública con más de 160 años de trayectoria académica, con dos ganadores de Premio Nobel en su personal docente y más de 30.000 estudiantes, localizada en el centro de Londres y con sede en Birmingham.

Para aplicar a la beca  debes gestionar la admisión por medio de Studies Planet Colombia o Londres:

Erika Rodriguez
Directora Londres
359 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7JL
Tel: 44+ 07877254370 - 07956253150
SKYPE: studiesplanet1

En Bogotá: Alba Marina Sanchez
Tel: (311)475-3505 ó (300)572-9164
Avenida 15 # 122-39 Torre 1 OFC 403




Día: Jueves, 03 de julio 2014
Hora: 07.00pm
Registrate acá para recibir  el link para conectarte desde cualquier dispositivo móvil.

Envía tus preguntas a o comunícate con Alba Marina Sanchez al (311)475-3505 ó (300)572-9164


Dear friends, 

A great opportunity !! Don't let it go ..Impossible is nothing!

Best of luck ! 



Please see our current list of scholarships below. For information on how to apply, please click on 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

12 de julio: FCE and TKT Workshops exclusivos para nuestros amigos de Facebook

Estimados amigos,

Saludándolos atentamente aprovecho la ocasión de informarles que el día 12 de julio de 3 a 6 de la tarde se realizará nuestro Primer Taller exclusivo para nuestros amigos de Facebook en el Campus de la Universidad de Piura en Miraflores (Mártir Olaya 162). Les enviamos información adjunta.

Si alguno de ustedes desea participar y aún no ha visitado la página de CTS ( aquí les enviamos el link. Sólo deben dar like a la página y luego enviar un correo (o inbox) para inscribirlos.

Inviten a sus amig@s y colegas. Tendremos sorteos y grandes novedades para ustedes. Nos gustaría mucho poder contar con su presencia.

Nos quedan pocas vacantes.

Cualquier consulta como siempre estamos a la orden.

Los esperamos.

Best regards,

Customized Training Services
Telephone: +51-1-7323128



Dear friends, 

A great opportunity !! Don't let it go ..Impossible is nothing!

Best of luck ! 



Please see our current list of scholarships below. For information on how to apply, please click on 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Universidad de Lima - 2da Jornada de Tutores

Buenos días, por medio de la presente hacemos llegar nuestra invitación para la Segunda Jornada de Tutores 2014, evento que se llevará a cabo en la misma Universidad de Lima el martes 24 de junio.

Adjuntamos una imagen en este correo apra que se inscriban a través de ella, haciendo click donde está señalado.

Segunda sesión
Presiones sexuales, ¿hasta dónde llegar? 
Martes 24 de junio de 2014 | 17.30 a 20.00 horas
Auditorio W

Inscripciones del 9 al 20 de junio
Ingreso libre
Vacantes limitadas
Universidad de Lima
Av. Javier Prado Este, cdra. 46 s/n, Monterrico, Surco
Teléfono 437 6767 anexo 31219

International event at UDEP Lima

Dear Colleagues and Friends

It is our pleasure to attach the invitation to attend our event “Communicative Competence Using Literature and Film in the English Classroom” on 9 and 10 June from 5:45 to 8:15 pm at our premises in Miraflores.
We have limited the capacity for this event so we ask for your confirmation as we have to fill in spaces. Cambridge Exam Schools who work with us may register more than one teacher. Send in the names of your teachers or .

We will see you at the event.
Cesar Klauer

Monday, June 9, 2014

Fwd: New Webinar from Cambridge English - Speaking skills for Cambridge English: First for Schools 2015 update, 16 & 18 June 2014

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New Webinar for Teachers
Speaking skills for Cambridge English: First for Schools 2015 update
16 & 18 June 2014

Dear Giovanni Gonzales Guerrero

Cambridge English Language Assessment invites you to join us for our new webinar - Speaking skills for Cambridge English: First for Schools 2015 update on Monday 16 June 14.00 - 15.00 (UK time*) and Wednesday 18 June 10.00 - 11.00 (UK time*).

*Check the times of the webinars where you are:

This webinar is for teachers who are preparing candidates, or going to prepare candidates, for theCambridge English: First for Schools exam. Alongside discussing the skills assessed in theCambridge English: First for Schools Speaking paper, this webinar will help teachers understand the assessment scales for speaking at B2. Finally, the presenter will suggest teaching ideas to practise the skills required for the Cambridge English: First for Schools Speaking paper.

To register for this webinar, please choose your preferred date and time below:
Monday 16 June 2014, 14.00 - 15.00 (UK time)
Wednesday 18 June 2014, 10.00 - 11.00 (UK time)

If you have missed any of our previous webinars, you can watch recordings and download the slides on our official YouTube channel Cambridge English TV.

Previous webinars include:

Best wishes

The Cambridge English Webinar Team


Dear  teachers 

IATEFL 2015 will be held from 11 to 14 April 2015 in Manchester.
Please access the link below for information about scholarships.

Pilar Ferreyros
Teacher Training Manager
Arequipa 3445, San Isidro