Wednesday, June 13, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Relevant informatio​n about scholarshi​ps offered by IATEFL-UK

Dear friends,

IATEFL-PERU is IATEFL UK AFFILIATE, yesterday I posted a piece of information about IATEFL Latin America Scholarship, which is actually being offered by IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
 , not by IATEFL-PERU, we wish we could.

If you require further information please contact

Come on! have a go, you have the following list:

BESIG Facilitators Scholarship

Cactus to Conference
Cambridge ESOL Best Practice in English for Academic Purposes
Cambridge ESOL Best Practice in Language Assessment
Cambridge ESOL Best Practice in State Education
Cambridge ESOL Best Practice in Teacher Training
Consultants-E online

IATEFL Gillian Porter Ladousse

IATEFL Gill Sturtridge First-Time Speaker

IATEFL Latin America

IATEFL Leadership and Management SIG

IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG Diana Eastment

IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG Travel

IATEFL Ray Tongue

IATEFL Teacher Development SIG Articulating Development


International House Global Reach

International House John Haycraft Classroom Exploration

International House Training and Development

OISE Young Learners

Onestopenglish Creativity in the Classroom

Peter Hargreaves (Cambridge ESOL)

Pilgrims Humanising Language Teaching

Pilgrims Teacher Trainer Journal

Trinity College London Language Examinations

Trinity College London Teacher Trainer

All the very best,

Leonor Marin


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