Sunday, March 9, 2014

[ELTeCS_PERU] A comment on World 4 U

Dear colleagues
On February 20th, 25th and 27th Macmillan and Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad de Piura held parallel workshops for Macmillan Primary and Secondary school users, the event was called Setting Up 2014 and there were four workshops running at the same time.
 I was responsible for the workshop World 4 U. Along the 12-hour sessions we discussed the basic concepts needed to understand CLIL and developed CLIL  mini lessons for Primary and Secondary students such as: CLIL Geography, CLIL Social Science, CLIL Science and CLIL History. For Primary level we based some of the activities on the seriesBrainwaveMacmillan Science and Macmillan Natural and Social Science.
For Secondary level I prepared samples to use in class but participants also contributed with their own ideas for activities and projects, some of which were assigned as homework for the following session. In the end, we could supplement the lesson with their contribution and so we ended up with a whole wall covered by the material the participants prepared and poster summaries of each session. We called it the CLIL Wall.
Additionally, we also developed the Macmillan Skills for Life and discussed about Competences, the Taxonomy of Bloom and provided some examples of the importance of developing Interpersonal skills.
Although most of the audience did not teach in a CLIL environment, they learned how to take advantage of some CLIL features to improve their EFL practice. They were really cooperative and collaborative and I think we all enjoyed sharing our experiences. It was a real pleasure to be part of this event and to have this hard-working audience.
All the best
M.Ed. Maria Luisa Mu
(Live as if you were to die tomorrow,
Learn as if you were to live forever. Gandhi)

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