Thursday, January 20, 2011

PERU-ELT NETWORKS has the pleasure to announce its first 2011 Workshop:

“Promoting cultural values and positive attitudes in our students”

When? January, Saturday 29 09:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Where? Euroidiomas - Calle Libertad 130 Miraflores (Av. Pardo cuadra 4)

Presenters: Carmen Castro-Mortara

Leonor Marín de Cruz

Currently, important work is being done in the ELT arena to increase understanding of cultural values and attitudes and to see how they are reflected in behaviour.

Using recently research done on Intercultural Competence, (Byram, M. 2010. Linguistic and intercultural education for Building and Citizenship) the presenters will show the qualities of people who work successfully across cultures, key qualities such as openness to others, curiosity about other cultures, tolerance of difference, flexibility, empathy, communicative awareness and willingness to embrace change

Critical cultural awareness, critical language development, cultural personal development raise a sequence of questions… "What have I learned about the target culture? What have I learned about my own culture? How will it change what I think, what I say and what I do?" How will I transmit effectively to my students in such a way that I can see change e.g. ”genuine motivation to read”, but what’s more important, to raise not only their language level but also their self and soul esteem. That's changing attitudes and mindsets..In this workshop, we will present the corresponding Theoretical Framework with six activities to work with our students which prove that promoting values and positive attitudes is absolutely possible!


08:30 – 08:45 In – Registration

09:00 -10:30 Workshop - I Part

10:30 -11:00 Break-fast

11:00 -12:00 Workshop - II Part

12:00 -12:30 Launch of the Project ”Let’s read”

12:30 -12:45 Certificates

Registration and further info at:

Cost: 30 nuevos soles which covers: Coffee when arriving


Resource Pack

British Council-Brazil and IATEFL PERU Certificate

Fee to be paid at: Banco de Crédito de Perú Moneda Nacional

Nº 193-19599539-0-12

Looking forward to seeing you there!!!


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