Wednesday, December 8, 2010



Has the pleasure and pride of presenting in our 4th” Training the Trainers” Follow up:

Dr.Carmen Caceda

Ph.D. in Culture, Literacy, and Language from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).

When : December 18th, 2010

What time: 9A.M- 12.30

Where: Britanico Auditorium Miraflores : Jr. Bellavista 531 Miraflores

Registration: 1312 Dos de Mayo Street-Apt 303 San Isidro

From 9-12/ 2-6p.m.

Phone munbers: 628-5410/ 6285411

Fee: 30 nuevos soles

Registration Dead Line: December 16th, 2010


8.30-8.50 In registration

9.00 -10.30 “Becoming a Culturally-Responsive Educator in Challenging Times”

Dr C Caceda

10.30-11 2011 PERU-ELT NETWORKS Action Plan

Leo Marin

11.00-12.00 . Christmas Celebration with a taste of a real British Christmas Cake,

Brazilian” Pao de Queijo”, American” Christmas Cookies” and a

nice Peruvian surprise! Get ready!

. New Year Personal and Professional Resolutions!

12.00 Raffle

British Council Brazil Certificates

Abstract and Carmen ‘s Bio Becoming a Culturally-Responsive Educator in Challenging Times

The presentation will be an awareness-raising session that will explore what it entails to be a culturally-responsive teacher /educator (Garcia, 2002). It pursues three objectives. First, educators will experience four culturally responsive activities that can be used during preparation sessions. Second, the rationale on being a culturally responsive educator will be examined so that educators understand the need to incorporate their educatees’ cultural background during educating sessions. Third, educators will be encouraged to reflect on the fact that educatees need to know not only the techniques to deliver a meaningful class, the rationale behind these techniques, the knowledge about the language, as Garcia (2008) puts it, but also that educatees need to become aware of the role that the cultural component plays in learning/ teaching an additional language. The first three elements appear to be explicitly addressed in preparation sessions, but the last one does not. The learning/teaching/educating process can be enhanced if the cultural component is incorporated during learning/educating sessions.


Garcia, E. (2002). Student cultural diversity: Understanding and meeting the challenge. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Garcia, O. (2008). Multilingual language awareness and teacher education. In N. Hornberger & J. Cenoz (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2 ed., Vol. 6: Knowledge about Language, pp. 385-400 ). Berlin: Springer.

Carmen Caceda Cordova earned a Ph.D. in Culture, Literacy, and Language from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). She currently works as an Assistant Professor at Western

Oregon University (WOU) where she prepares teacher candidates and teachers in the ESOL/Bilingual Education field. Her primary research areas are on educator/teacher development issues, teacher candidates’ language beliefs, bi/literacy, and discourse analysis in educational documents.

Carmen taught in Peru for over 22 years for the public and private sectors. Faculty of Education, from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Asociacion Cultural Peruano-Britanica, TECSUP, Ministry of Education, and Colegio Nacional “San Martin de Porres” No 0025, San Gregorio, Vitarte, are some of the institutions that have shaped Carmen who she is a professional nowadays.

Very important: Bring at least 5 labels of products that you use on a daily or weekly basis.

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