The 19th Annual PERU TESOL Convention
"The Teaching and Learning of English for Comprehensive Understanding through Interdisciplinary Topics and Classroom Research and Practice"
July 31st – August 2nd, 2011
Centro de Idiomas
Universidad Nacional del Callao
Av. Juan Pablo II Nº 310, Bellavista – Callao
Lima - Peru
Dr. Roger Gee. Holy Family University. Philadelphia, USA. “Spelling in English: Is it important? Should we teach it?”
Dr. Kate Reynolds. University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. Wisconsin, USA.
“10 Quick Tips to Gauge Learners' Comprehension”
Dr. Christine Coombe. Dubai Men’s College, Dubai, UAE.
“Best Practice in ELT: 10 Traits of a Highly Effective Teacher”
Dr. David Fay. US Embassy. Lima, Peru.
“Shaping the Way We Teach English in the Andes”
Dr. Karen Jogan. Albright College. Reading Pennsylvania, USA.
“Differentiated instruction: engaging students in content”
19th National Convention
The 19th PERU TESOL Convention will congregate national and foreign specialists who will be in charge of workshops with the active participation of attendants in order to exchange experiences and strategies that can be applied in the classroom.
This convention is addressed to English Teachers of all educative levels who work for public and private institutions. Also to those who work as freelancers and to students who are about to finish their studies of English Teaching.
Renewal: S/. 35.00 Affiliation: S/. 80.00
Registration ClassEarly Registration
June 15th to July 25th. Late Registration
(after July 25th. and ON SITE)
Members in other places rather than LimaS/. 85.00S/. 105.00
Members in LimaS/. 105.00S/. 125.00
Registration on line for MembersS/. 120.00S/. 140.00
Non MembersS/. 180.00S/. 200.00
Registration on line for non membersS/. 200.00S/. 240.00
Foreign TeachersS/. 200.00S/. 240.00
NOTE: If your membership has expired, you must renew to remain eligible for the convention members registration dues
Certificates will be granted only to those attendants who accumulate a minimum 90% of the total of the academic hours that include plenaries, and workshops.
1. Dr. Bethe Schoenfeld. Western Galilee College. Acco – Israel. “Computer Use to Address Diverse Learning Style and Teaching English Vocabulary in English”
2. Dr. Kate Reynolds. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA. “Make it Your Own: User-Friendly Rubrics for the Language Classroom and Analyzing your Textbooks to Improve Instruction and for Publication”
3. Dr. Karen Jogan. Albright College, Reading Pennsylvania, USA. “Building and practicing vocabulary for content and Cultural excursions with sights and sounds from the US”
4. Dr. Roger Gee. Holy Family University. Philadelphia, USA. “Developing Reader Response with Narrative Texts and Teaching the Structure of Expository Texts”
5. Dr. Susana Gutierrez Saldaña. Universidad del Santa. Chimbote, Ancash, Peru.
“Using Projects In An English Class and Using Grammar Online”
6. Lic. Nadia Baca Carranza. Universidad del Santa. Chimbote, Ancash, Peru. “ “Reading On Line, Using Grammar Online”
7. Dr. Lucia Ramos. Universidad Arturo Prat. Iquique, Chile. “Video-textbook to develop integrated language skills and cultural knowledge”
8. Dr. Hernan Pereira Palomo. Universidad Arturo Prat. Iquique, Chile. “Effective use of digital photography in English teaching and Video-textbook to develop integrated language skills and cultural knowledge”
9. Dr. Marcela Quintana Lara and María Isabel Trillo. Universidad Arturo Prat. Iquique, Chile. “Using movies in the Language Classroom: Best Teaching Practices”
10. Dr. Solange Lopes Murphy. Indiana State University. Terre Haute, Indiana, USA. “Stages of Second Language Development: Assessment and Instruction and Teaching Effectively Using SIOP”
11. Dr. Rosalba Cárdenas and Norbella Miranda. Universidad del Valle & Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali. Cali, Colombia. “Colombian foreign language education policy: conditions of implementation”
12. María Isabel Cobian Ovalle. Lima, Peru. “Writing and Correcting Using Rubrics, Classroom Management and Discipline and Oxford’s Indirect Strategy Classification System for successful Language Learning”
13. Ian Caldon. California State University. San Bernardino, California, USA. “WebQuests: Internet Inquiry as a Dynamic and Authentic Experience and Universal Design for Learning: An Equal Classroom for Everyone”
14. Augusto Lescano. Sir Alexander Fleming College – La Libertad, Trujillo, Peru. “Understanding And Mastering Content, and Assessment For Learning”
15. Dr. Rhonda Ferreira Habersham. Lesley University. Cambridge, Massachusetts.USA. “Comics and graphic novels in the ESL classroom and Arts, Vocabulary and ESOL students”
16. George Truscott. Kinki University. Kowakae, Higashiosaka, Japan. “Teachers Do Little, Students Do More: A Design For An Extensive Reading (ER) Component and Can Students Take Matters Into Their Own Hands? “
17. Magda Edith Castro Zegarra. Camelot Teacher Training Center. Lima, Peru. “The Importance of Reading in the Learning Process”
18. Enrique Liñan Saavedra. Universidad Privada del Norte – Laureate International Universities. Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru. “Getting Better & Better: Innovative Activities for Teaching Reading and Writing and Add, Mix, and Shake: Energize and Educate”
19. Osmar Tàvara Hidalgo. IEP Señor de La Vida – Chimbote, Ancash, Peru. “Add, Mix, and Shake: Energize and Educate”
20. Rita Aldorino. Ministry of Education. San Salvador de Jujuy. Argentina. “Developing Reading Strategies to Promote Critical Thinkers and Teaching Phonetics in the EFL Class: An Innovative Project”
21. Daniel Presson. Advocacy for STEM in ESL. Marysville, CA. USA“STEM Cognates for Vocabulary Building and Reading/Writing Development, STEM = Economic Growth and STEM Cognates to Build Vocabulary and Teach Grammar”
22. Ernesto Diaz Mercado. USMP- FN. Chiclayo, Lambayeque, Peru. “Working Together” and “How Do You Pronounce It?”
23. Jorge Garavito Franco. Caña Brava Enterprise. Piura, Peru. “Enhancing Communicative Opportunities In EFL Classes and Corrective Feedback And The Use Of L1 In Class”
24. Thomas Koch. Kinki University. Japan. “W. Edwards Deming Management Principles and the Language Classroom and Leveraging Language Learning Activities with Moodle Computer Programs”
25. Dr. Susan Blanco. Utah Valley University. Utah, USA. “Teaching and Learning with Twitter and Extensive Reading: the key to increasing reading fluency”
26. Dr. Deanna Gamel Hochstein. American English Institute, Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon. Oregon, USA. “Thinking Critically in the English Language Classroom and Strategies for Improving Thinking”
27. Dr. Claudia Schwalm. California State University. East Bay, Hayward, California, USA. “Using Time Lines to Make World History Come Alive and Let’s Make Games in English”
28. Dr. Carmen Caceda and Consuelo Caceda. Western Oregon University. USA and Colegio Nacional “Sol de Vitarte” Nº 1226 Lima, Peru. “Becoming culturally responsive teachers/educators”
29. Graciela Miranda de Quequesana. Arequipa, Peru. “The cultural dimension in English as a foreign language-.Analysis of course books and How a foreign child acquires English and how she develops communicative competence in an American school”
30. Dr. Gwen McIntyre. Atlantic Cape Community College. Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA. “Quality Speaking and Writing Feedback Using Rubrics and Develop Your Own Effective Pronunciation Games”
31. Dr. Shirley Shields. Atlantic Cape Community College. Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA. “Clicks, Flicks, and Tricks and Develop Your Own Effective Pronunciation Games”
32. Gregory Tume Palacios. ICPNA RG- Piura. Piura, Peru. “Understanding and Teaching Children and The History of the English Language”
33. Julio Gutierrez Gago. Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional del Santa. Chimbote, Ancash – Peru. “How To Get Better Our Students’ Competence. Im – Possible? And Turn Your Mobile Phone Off!!! Or Not?”
34. Zenaida Leonor Marín Cáceres. PERU-ELTNETWORKS. Lima, Peru. “An intercultural approach in ELT: implementing an Intercultural Approach and The impact of cultural factors in language learning”
35. Karina Isabel Córdova Bocanegra. Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Trujillo, La Libertad - Peru. “Proactive Practices for Today’s classroom and Enhancing Your Teaching Effectiveness”
36. Melba Libia Cárdenas Beltran. Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras - Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. “Grassroots teachers as researchers and writers: Experiences from an ELT Journal”
37. Martha Cecilia Perez Gamboa. Universidad Cesar Vallejo Consortium. Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru. “Language Testing in Practice and Action Inquiry and Reflective Teaching”
38. Lourdes Talavera Ugarte. Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, Arequipa, Peru. “Open-Ended Activities As An Effective Tool To Deal With Mixed-Ability Classes and Techniques And Strategies To Help Students Learn Grammar By Themselves”
39. Consuelo Tantaleán Smith and Oscar Carrillo Verástegui. Universidad Cesar Vallejo Consortium. Trujillo, La Libertad – Peru. Why Accreditation Matters.
40. Dr. Chris Larssen. UCSP and Via Lingua International TEFL. Arequipa, Peru. “Improving the quality and quantity of Student Talk Time”
Centro de Idiomas
Universidad Nacional del Callao
Prof. Lila Maguiña Alvarado. Tel... 043 312225, Cel.: 943-275419 Banchero Rossi E'4, Lote 2. Nvo. Chimbote. Mon. to Fri: 04.00 to 08:00 p.m.
Prof. Julio Gutierrez Gago. Cel.: 949654577 RPM* 916717 Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional de la Santa, Campus Universitario de la UNS, Mon to Fri: 10:00 to 12:00 a.m.
Prof. Clara Flores Jauregui, Prof. Patricia Silva Aldazabal. Tel: 054-335233, 959 339487 Santa Rosa de Viterbo School, Zamacola AV, 106 Yanahuara Mon to Fri: 02:00 to 04:00 p.m.
Prof. Sonia Conde Ramos, Prof. Giovanna Alvarez Chavez. Tel 054 – 409846, 958- 680635,Teniente Ferre 206 – A, Miraflores. Mon. to Fri. & Sat. 05:00 to 07:00
Prof. Fany Atalaya Vásquez. Tel. 076 976 491593 Centro de Idiomas de la UNC. Jr. Dos de Mayo 334 Cajamarca Fri: 10:00 am to 12:00 am, Sat. 10:00 to 12:30 am
Prof. Neiser Tapia Rojas. Tel.076 976 757768 José Arana 713 – Chota Cajamarca. Mon to Fri: 02:00 to 03:00 p.m. I..E. Santa Rafaela Maria. Mon to Fri: 09:30 to 11:15 a.m.
Prof. Liz Gómez Mauricio. Cel. Movistar 962659167 Claro 962725406 Fonavi IV Dpto. 203, Edifc. A-2 Amarilis – Huánuco Instituto UK VIVENTIAL Jr, Huanuco 722 Mon, Fri: 12:00 to 01:00 p.m. /04:00to 06:00 p.m.
Prof. Blanca Nolazco León. Tel.: 064 – 231092 / 964 990229 Colegio Salesiano Técnico Don Bosco. Av. Huancavelica Nº 165 El Tambo, Mon to Fri: 12.00 m to 01.00 p.m. Avenida Daniel Alcides Carrión 2069-2071 Huancayo Mon to Fri: 04:00 to 07:00 p.m.
Prof. Flora de la Cruz de Peláez. Tel. 044 221768, 949254540 Mauricio Simons 700, Las Quintanas, Trujillo – La Libertad. Mon to Fri: 04:00 to 07:00 p.m.
Prof. Marizela Calderón Rodriguez. Tel. 044 – 230526, 044 – 948338758. Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo = CIDUNT Av. Jesus de Nazareth s/n. Mon. Wed. Fri. 03:00 to 04:00 p.m./ Tue, Thu. 04:30 to 06:00
Prof. Max Perez Vera / Prof. Yvonne Muro Vega / Prof. Cyntia Mundaca Martos Tel. 074-271961 RPM: # 745350 / RPC. 943355476 CENTRO DE IDIOMAS DE LA FACHSE VIRGILIO DALL'ORSO 150 Chiclayo, Lambayeque Mon to Fri: 7:00 p.m. to 09:20 p.m.
Prof. William Garboza Aguilar. Cel. 979879646, Tel. RPM # 445335 Oficinas del Programa LEMM de la Facultad de educación FACHSE de la UNPRG Dall' Orso Cdra 1. Chiclayo, Lambayeque. Mon to Fri: 01:00 to 06:00 a.m.
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