Has the pleasure of announcing its Fourth ELT Event : “Integration of Technology in ELT “ to be held on Saturday, June 25th 2011.
VENUE : Colegio Maria Alvarado (Laboratorio de Idiomas) Av. 28 de Julio 249 - Lima 1
.Most teachers use the Internet for planning, research and exchange of ideas. There’s so much more to be found and used. If used properly and constructively, the Internet and all the many valuable tools we can get for the classroom gives our classes the added value that makes a difference in our teaching. In this workshop, you will have theoretical framework in a very dynamic way making you familiar with all what ICT has to offer , how to set a “web log” or “blogs” in the classroom. Suggestions for use, ideas and since this is going to be a “Hands on Workshop” ”, that is to say that each participant will be able to apply what it is being shared , working on a computer, thus, effective learning is totally guaranteed!
The Presenters will be teachers who have just finished ‘Exploring WEB 2. 0 :Tools for Classroom Teaching and Professional Development’ , course which was organized by RELO, Regional English Language Office from the US Embassy.
2.00 – 2.30 UNFV: EUDED Escuela Universitaria de Educación a Distancia
‘Programmes for in-service teachers’- Miss Norma Vecorena- Mrs Jean Garay
2.30- 3.45 ICT: Theoretical Framework - Romina Bellido
3.45 – 4.00 Coffee Break
4:00 – 5:20 “Setting weblogs :Enhancing Professional Development”
Eileen Murphy - Carmen Mortara
5:20 -5:30 Information about ELT Conferences to be held in July.
5:20-5:45 Raffle/Certificates/Closing
Number of Participants: 50 / Registration deadline: June 22rd,2011 Monto a depositar: S/.40.00 nuevos soles en Cuenta Interbank ahorros M.N. 115 303 1800 4 41, Eva Cecilia Carmelino Mayorga
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