Friday, May 4, 2012

[ELTeCS_PE​RU] Webinar Creating Theme-Base​d Classes. May 9 and 11

Webinar for English Teachers:

Creating Theme-Based


English Language Specialist Vivian Leskes will lead an online discussion on theme-based classes in the English language classroom. Theme-based classes can combine literature, music, photography, and other material to structure high-interest student-centered integrated skills lessons. In this webinar, participants will examine sample themes, brainstorm other possible themes, and learn some websites for material development of theme-based reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

What: Creating Theme-Based Classes.

Webinar on English teaching, organized by the Regional English Language

Office for the Andean Region at the US Embassy in Lima.

Who: Vivian Leskes, English Language Specialist.

Vivian Leskes is an English Language Specialist with the US Department of

State and Professor of ESL at Holyoke Community College. In 2008, she was

a Fulbright Scholar in Irkutsk, Siberia, in the field of Teaching English as a

Foreign Language (TEFL). In addition to her teacher training work in Russia,

over the past ten years, she has conducted trainings in Peru, Ukraine,

Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Morocco, and Indonesia. Lost in

Siberia, her memoir of her experiences teaching and studying Russian in

the Former Soviet Union, was published by Haley’s in 2011.

When: Wednesday, May 9th at 4:00pm - 5:00pm (Peru time).

Friday, May 11th at 8:30am - 9:30am (Peru time).

Where: Join us from a computer with audio and internet access

 Choose the option

"Enter as a Guest" and sign in using your name and city.

(For example: Marcela - Lima)

This webinar is free. Previous registration is not required.

To see a calendar of our upcoming webinars, please check out our webpage:

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