Tuesday, April 18, 2017


An “Academic Director & Head of Sales”, with no previous experience is required.

We are a Language Center (www.interlanguage.com.pe), in clear growth, requiring a just graduated English teacher for the position of “Academic Director & Head of Sales”. This is a unique opportunity for a junior English teacher, just graduated from a prestigious University or from the Normal of Monterrico, with no previous experience in the position offered but with one to two years of experience, as an English teacher, . 

This is a job that will provide the selected candidate of an invaluable experience for his/her professional career growth. As this is a “position of confidence”, we are requiring a professional of the field of TESL (Teaching English As A Second Language) willing to work on a full time basis, in a job that is a combination of administrative and academic work, from Mondays to Saturdays.

The selected professional will have to report to the CEO and owner directly, will have to manage the daily Agenda of the Director, to set business appointments and to deal with potential clients and prospective students, most of them from the corporate field, as well as to coordinate and supervise our English teachers´ work and performance, among other management tasks.

Also, will have to teach some hours of English sessions in different Companies, where we teach under the system “In House Program”.

The candidate must be a quick learner, has to be proactive, positive, energetic, educated, with a desire of doing the tasks with accuracy and dedication. No matter if in the process, the selected professional makes some mistakes, because we understand that this is part of the learning process of a position never conducted before.

A good knowledge of IT, MS Office applications, especially advanced Word and an Excel basic level is required, as well as a good command of the Internet use.

The salary is for a junior position and this along with the details of the specific tasks to be done during the daily work will be provided in an interview with our Director.

The prospective candidates will have to send their Resumes until the end of April, along with an essay of no more than 300 to 400 hundred words, explaining why we should consider him/her for the position.

Our email address is: direccion@interlanguage.com.pe and our Director is Mr. David Chamorro Morales.

Monday, April 17, 2017

¡Buscamos jóvenes emprendedores!

Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) Professional Fellows Program
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¡La Embajada de los Estados Unidos busca jóvenes emprendedores!
The Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) Professional Fellows Program, patrocinado por el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, busca a 250 emprendedores jóvenes de América Latina y el Caribe para participar en un programa de capacitación profesional en los EE.UU.
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Cierre de inscripciones: Domingo 23 de abril, 2017
¡Sigue a la Embajada en redes sociales!

Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative es un programa del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos. El programa es una continuación y profundización del éxito del proyecto inaugural YLAI de marzo 2016. YLAI Professional Fellows Program cuenta con el apoyo deMeridian International Center, en colaboración con las organizaciones Atlas Corps yEntrepreneurs’ Organization. Cuenta también con el apoyo de organizaciones y universidades de los Estados Unidos. Para más información, entre en contacto con el equipo YLAI de Meridian:YLAI@meridian.org.  Contacto para prensa: ECA-Press@state.gov.   
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